Sharon Switzer-McIntyre, BPE, BScPT, MEd, PhD

Assistant Professor, Vice-Chair of Education

Department of Physical Therapy
160-500 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1V7

Fax:          416-946-8562



Sharon Switzer-McIntyre is a physiotherapist and Assistant Professor in the Dept of Physical Therapy. She completed her BPE at McMaster University, BSc in Physiotherapy and Masters in Education at the University of Toronto, her PhD in Occupational Health is also from the University of Toronto, Institute of Medical Sciences.

Sharon is the Vice Chair of Education, teaches in the Musculoskeletal area and leads the Internationally Educated Physical Therapy Bridging Program.  She is an active member of the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (link).

Rowley K, Ajami D, Gervais D, Monney L, Solheim A, Kudla I, Holness DL, Switzer-McIntyre S.  Glove use and education in workers with hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS).  Cdn Acoustics, in press

Holness DL.  Harniman E, DeKoven J, Skotnicki-Grant S, Beaton D, Nixon R, Switzer-McIntyre S.  Hand function in workers with hand dermatitis.  Dermatitis 2010;21:230-231.

House, R,  Wills, M, Liss, G,  Switzer-McIntyre, S,  Manno, M  (2009)  Upper Extremity Disability Measured by the DASH Questionnaire in Workers with Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome. Occupational Medicine (Lond) Vol 59, Number 3

Sharon’s research is aimed at understanding the functional compromise of workers who sustain occupational diseases such as Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome and Occupational Contact Dermatitis. Her research interests include issues related to work injury and individuals perception regarding their ability to perform work tasks after a work-related injuries. Her focus is primarily in the areas of issues related to return to work/sustainable work.

Sharon’s research is funded by the Research Advisory Council of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

Sharon co-coordinates and teaches in the Introductory Musculoskeletal Unit (Unit 3).  She is also responsible for the Workplace Health and Safety Theme across the curriculum.

She is also serves as a faculty advisor for the second year MSc(PT) research projects.

In addition to departmental teaching, Sharon regularly provides educational sessions to the clinical community on topics such as return to work, ensuring sustainable work, assessing function in the occupational health area.

Assistant Professor & Vice-Chair of Education, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto
Associate Member, Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Toronto
Affiliate Scientist, The Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital
Scientist, Centre of Research Expertise in Occupational Disease (CREOD)
Team co-lead in the HAVS stream, St. Michael’s Hospital